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I am inviting you to August Abundance Awareness month.
I am at the center of all my experiences

I am at the center of all my experiences.
Acknowledge All that Is Showing up.

Abundance Awareness. Are you aware of when you had an abundantly filled day? How do you measure your abundance?

Abundance Awareness. “I am at the center of all my experiences”. Focus on awareness of experiences. Management of experiences. Taking responsibility for all your experiences in all relationships. Finding Gratitude in all experiences.

You are always at the center of all your experiences. Feeling, Failure, Going down the rabbit hole. Acknowledging “What Is” Step-by-step actions. New Experience.

Abundance Awareness. The week in review. Celebrating Successes.

Abundance Awareness.
Do you recognize the abundance in the world that surrounds you? If not, why not?

Abundance Awareness.
A new day – setting up the week’s abundance creation activities.
What are the stepping stones today, to step into more and more flow during the rest of this week?
Feeling abundant in each step.

Abundance Awareness.
Dancing in the rain.